Volunteers Summer Party 2024

We had a lovely evening on Friday 5th July celebrating our wonderful volunteers with fresh paella, live music and Sangria. The sun didn’t quite manage to come out but that did not stop us all enjoying the beautiful garden and views across the countryside. Thank you to COOK for providing our scrummy desserts, a real … Read more

D-Day Commemoration

Thursday 6th June 2024 was the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy, which marked the beginning of the end of the Second World War. Our community came together with a number of events and activities to commemorate the events of 1944, never forgetting those that lost their lives. If you visited the Village … Read more

Vicky is invited to No. 10 Downing Street

RSM Manager, Vicky Cheeseman was invited to a reception at No. 10 Downing Street to celebrate RSM winning an award from the Centre for Social Justice. She joined a prestigious group of charities from around the UK who support vulnerable people in their communities in different ways. The event was rather disrupted however when the … Read more

Knitters And Natterers Celebrate 2000 Blankets!

On Friday 17th May our Knitters & Natterers met to celebrate their amazing achievement of knitting 2000 blankets.  The group is probably our longest running club and meet fortnightly every Friday to knit squares and make their blankets . The blankets are given to members who might be poorly as well as to other charities, … Read more

Dementia Action Week Round Up

One of Rotherfield St Martin’s objectives is to make our village “dementia friendly” so that those living with dementia and their carers feel comfortable, welcomed and accepted. Well over 100 local residents and businesses have attended a dementia friends session at RSM. Virtual Dementia Bus Visit We were delighted to welcome the Virtual Dementia Bus … Read more

RSM joins panel at Tackling Poverty Event

RSM Manager, Vicky Cheeseman was pleased to join a panel of speakers alongside representatives from Hastings Voluntary Action and the Down’s Syndrome Development Trust at a Tackling Poverty discussion event held at the Hastings Museum last week  The event was opened by the Lord-Lieutenant of East Sussex and brought together front line workers from key … Read more

New Walking Group Heads Out

Our new “Walk & Talk” group met on Monday 29th April for their first guided walk of the season and finally the sun came out! If you would enjoy a couple of hours walking in the fresh air and are pretty fit please get in touch with us on 01892 853021. Next Dates: Wed 29th … Read more

Nus Ghani MP Takes Time To Talk

Nus Ghani MP joined our Time to Talk group on Friday 26th April to learn more about being an unpaid carer in Wealden. Members of the group highlighted the issues they face and called for action for early dementia diagnosis and recognition of dementia being a health care issue with a clear pathway, rather than … Read more

The RSM Kitchen Garden Takes Shape

The idea of a community garden, where older folk can share their knowledge with volunteers and come together to grow fruit and vegetables is wonderful. So, we were delighted, when in 2023, thanks to a local neighbour, we were given the opportunity to secure a plot for the RSM Kitchen Garden and bring our dreams … Read more

Knitters & Natterers Show Love For Their Community

The wonderful Knitters & Natterers have taken to “Yarn Bombing” for the first time with this wonderful creation to celebrate Valentines Day! It can be seen in all its glory outside the Rotherfield Stores. The ladies enjoyed creating this piece so much that we’re told more will follow so keep your eyes peeled!

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